Case Studies
#DeliverBirthJustice Campaign, Perinatal Equity Initiative

#DeliverBirthJustice Campaign, Perinatal Equity Initiative
Change Consulting worked with five Bay Area counties to launch #DeliverBirthJustice. The campaign puts birth justice front and center in the fight for racial justice in the Bay Area and aims to mobilize all corners of the Bay Area — from health professionals to policy makers to community members — to end racism and achieve birth justice for Black families. Bay Area partner counties include Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara,...
Nourish California, #Food4All Campaign

Nourish California, #Food4All Campaign
From the fall of 2019 through June 2020, Change Consulting partnered with Nourish California to support the #Food4All campaign -- the first of its kind to address the longstanding discrimination in our state’s nutrition safety net by expanding access to essential food assistance to any immigrant who is ineligible for federal CalFresh -- through a story-centric approach. We provided research and communications strategy recommendations, planning, messaging, storytelling training, digital and...
Black Girl Freedom Fund

Black Girl Freedom Fund
Working with the incredible team at Grantmakers for Girls of Color, we supported the launch of the Black Girl Freedom Fund and #1Billion4BlackGirls campaign, an initiative that calls for an investment of $1 billion over the next 10 years in the brain trust, innovation, health, safety, education, research, and joy of Black girls and their families. Change Consulting developed the messaging and strategy for the campaign, which launched with an...
California Black Freedom Fund

California Black Freedom Fund
Launched in February 2021, the California Black Freedom Fund is a first-of-its-kind, five-year, $100 million initiative to ensure that Black power-building and movement-based organizations have the sustained investments and resources they need to eradicate systemic and institutional racism. Over a period of about six months, Change Consulting worked with a group of CEOs and their communications teams to create the look and feel, messaging and pre-launch and launch communications strategies....
#ACT4SouthernTowers Campaign

#ACT4SouthernTowers Campaign
African Communities Together (ACT) brings together their members -- African immigrants in the U.S. -- to fight for civil rights, opportunity, and a better life for their families. The Southern Towers Apartment complex has for years remained an affordable place to live in Alexandria, Virginia, a rapidly gentrifying region. When CIM Group, the building’s new owner, launched a series of illegal and extreme evictions against Southern Towers’ majority African immigrant...
Black Mama’s Bail Out Day

Black Mama’s Bail Out Day
We are proud to have worked with Essie Justice Group’s brilliant and growing team to lift up their work on Black Mama’s Bail Out Day since 2017 when they became the California lead for the Mother’s Day action of the National Bail Out Campaign. Change Consulting organized a press conference for the action each year in Oakland, Los Angeles or virtually through 2020 and built and helped implement earned media...
Groundswell Fund + Groundswell Action Fund

Groundswell Fund + Groundswell Action Fund
We designed the social media launch of Groundswell + Groundswell Action Fund’s 2020-2025 Blueprint, which outlined their plans designed in partnership with grassroots movement leaders to move $100 million to intersectional organizing led by women of color and transgender and gender non-conforming people of color. Using the Blueprint plans shared with us and their photo archive, we created a cross-platform social media toolkit that included messaging, original hashtag, graphics, GIFs...
Black Futures Lab + Black to the Future Action Fund

Black Futures Lab + Black to the Future Action Fund
Founded in 2018, Black Futures Lab and Black to the Future Action Funds were founded to make Black people powerful in politics. They help transform Black communities into constituencies that build Black political power in cities and states by enacting policy that improves the lives of Black people, and elects Black legislators with progressive values who move progressive policies. Change Consulting is helping promote major initiatives and increase the visibility...
Advancement Project California

Advancement Project California
Working closely with Advancement Project California, Change Consulting developed and executed a communications strategy to promote its first-of-its-kind initiative, RACE COUNTS, which measured racial equity by performance, disparity, and impact in all of California’s 58 counties in the areas of democracy, economic opportunity, safety and justice, access to healthcare, healthy built environments, education and housing. We conducted comprehensive research on earned and digital media coverage of racial disparities across California,...
Akonadi Foundation and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Akonadi Foundation and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation
In 2018, Akonadi Foundation and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation released the benchmark report Mapping Small Arts and Culture Organizations of Color in Oakland, which outlined how Oakland’s grassroots arts and culture organizations strengthen our community; help shape government, institutional policies, and practices towards racial justice; and why funders must increase support for these vital community assets. Change Consulting worked with the researchers behind the report to translate their findings into...
Center for Youth Wellness

Center for Youth Wellness
The Center for Youth Wellness, an organization in San Francisco’s Bayview founded to heal, prevent and reduce the impact of childhood adversity, aimed to spark a statewide movement. As part of the goal, CYW hosted a summit on adverse childhood experiences. We created core messaging for the summit, framing it as the first-statewide summit on the issue. We also named the summit, Children Can Thrive, and created and implemented an...
California Funder for Boys & Men of Color

California Funder for Boys & Men of Color
The California Funders for Boys and Men of Color (CFBMoC) brings together CEOs from the state’s leading philanthropy organizations, united by a vision that all boys and men of color should enjoy full inclusion in all of the opportunities this state has to offer, and that California’s prosperity will grow as they flourish. For three years, Change Consulting has worked with CFBMoC to develop and advance a communications strategy that...
Cities United

Cities United
Working in partnership with Wonder: Strategies for Good, we led the development of a strategic communications plan for Cities United, remaining on retainer with the organization to carry out the plan recommendations, with a focus on media relations and thought leadership development. We have successfully secured media coverage for Cities United across local and national outlets including in key local media in Birmingham, Durham, Hampton, Louisville and Minneapolis along with...
Restore Oakland

Restore Oakland
We led the development of a branding and strategic communications plan for a new community advocacy and training center in East Oakland, California. A joint venture between the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, Restore Oakland aims to mobilize Bay Area community members to transform the current economic and justice systems and make a safe and secure future possible for themselves and for their families....
ReWork the Bay

ReWork the Bay
ReWork the Bay (formerly Bay Area Workforce Funders Collaborative) brings together cross-sector leaders to advance collective solutions for a Bay Area where everyone, especially working people, have access to quality, empowered jobs. Approaching its 15-year milestone, Bay Area Workforce Funders Collaborative partnered with Change Consulting to rebrand the collaborative, develop a messaging framework, communications strategy, and launch a new website to effectively tell the story of their impact and vision...
Power California

Power California
Launched in 2018, Power California works to mobilize young people of color across California to participate and lead systems of government at all levels and to ensure that voters and elected leaders reflect the full diversity of California. From August to November 2018, Change Consulting provided communications strategy and earned media outreach support for their campaign to mobilize young people to register for and vote in the midterm elections. To...
Young Women’s Freedom Center

Young Women’s Freedom Center
In June 2019, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors took a historic step to transform the youth justice system in the city and county by voting to close San Francisco Juvenile Hall and invest in community-based alternatives to youth incarceration. The move was in large part thanks to the decades long advocacy of the Young Women’s Freedom Center to end the incarceration and criminalization of women, girls, transgender and gender nonconforming...
Rosenberg Foundation

Rosenberg Foundation
The Rosenberg Foundation, a philanthropic organization in San Francisco established in 1935 at the bequest of California business leader Max L. Rosenberg, has provided close to 2,800 grants totaling nearly $80 million to regional, statewide and national organizations advocating for racial and economic justice throughout California. As part of our long-term and ongoing work with the foundation, we helped the organization brand and launch a new fund that aims to...