Nourish California, #Food4All Campaign

Nourish California, #Food4All Campaign
From the fall of 2019 through June 2020, Change Consulting partnered with Nourish California to support the #Food4All campaign — the first of its kind to address the longstanding discrimination in our state’s nutrition safety net by expanding access to essential food assistance to any immigrant who is ineligible for federal CalFresh — through a story-centric approach. We provided research and communications strategy recommendations, planning, messaging, storytelling training, digital and earned media outreach. We worked with inspiring immigrants and advocates to develop and share their personal stories online, in the news, and in hearing testimonies. As a #Food4All bill progressed through California’s legislature, Change Consulting supported campaign efforts drumming up support for the bill through ongoing earned and social media outreach, securing coverage in outlets including the Sacramento bee, CalMatters, Radion Bilingüe, Univision Fresno, KQED, and Public News Service.