#ACT4SouthernTowers Campaign

Photo courtesy of African Communities Together

#ACT4SouthernTowers Campaign

African Communities Together (ACT) brings together their members — African immigrants in the U.S. — to fight for civil rights, opportunity, and a better life for their families. The Southern Towers Apartment complex has for years remained an affordable place to live in Alexandria, Virginia, a rapidly gentrifying region. When CIM Group, the building’s new owner, launched a series of illegal and extreme evictions against Southern Towers’ majority African immigrant and low-wage residents, they formed a union and reached out to ACT for their support. Through a partnership with ACT, Change Consulting led communications on the #ACT4SouthernTowers campaign, making sure that tenants’ demands reached the LA-based real estate group, Virginia state and local officials and congress. Our team worked with Southern Towers residents to develop stories. We also launched an earned media campaign and planned a press conference featuring tenants, local elected officials and ACT leadership. To date, the campaign has been featured in the Associated Press, NPR, NBC Washington, KCRW, AXL Now, Georgia Public Broadcasting.

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Oakland, CA 94607

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