Mark your calendars for October 8! We are excited to support the Brotherhood of Elders Network with their upcoming Real Talk About the Town event, an Alameda County District 5 candidates forum that will educate community members about the role of county government so they can make an informed decision on Election Day. District 5 County Supervisor Candidates Nikki Fortunato Bas and John Bauters will be in attendance and the event will be moderated by Justin Phillips, Race and Inequality Columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. Candidates will answer questions from attendees and share their views on important issues facing the community. For more information and to secure your spot click here.


“Voter registration was created to deter certain communities from participation, and it clearly continues to do so when California’s electorate is not representative of our state demographically.” The California Grassroots Democracy Coalition issued a statement this week following California Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to veto the California New Motor Voter Program (SB 299) – a bill that would have automatically registered millions of eligible voters who had opted out of signing up when conducting business at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Learn more in the Sacramento Bee


Exploring the Vibrant World of Podcasting Through a Colorful and Symbolic Visual Representation of Creativity and Expression


ICYMI: Few things have the ability to shape our understanding of the world quite like storytelling. Change Consulting’s strategy team continues to explore different aspects of storytelling as a tool in our storytelling series. The intro and all its components are available on our blog: The Brain Science Behind Why Stories Matter, How stories, frames, and narrative shape our worldview, and the latest installment, How to Structure Stories Part 1 and Part 2