“No matter what legislation is passed, if we don’t get to work, we can’t put those laws into effect in a meaningful way,” stated California Assemblymember Corey Jackson during the State of Black California tour. The series, put on by the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) in collaboration with the California Black Freedom Fund (CBFF), is continuing to raise awareness about the fight for reparations in California, among other priorities. The six-city tour will run through October and is meant to engage the public to get involved in lobbying lawmakers. Next up on the tour: Fresno on August 17. Learn more at www.stateofblackcalifornia.org and in this coverage from  CLBC, and PBS SoCal.

“I was shocked and frustrated that management took more than half of my total deposit… all of the items they charged me fell within ordinary wear and tear as stated in my lease agreement. Under those terms, I should have gotten all or most of my deposit back, but I had no legal recourse.” Rebecca Martinez, member of Power California shared her experiences as a tenant in Merced, California with unjust expenses beyond her rent in a new piece for the Fresno Bee. Rebecca and her fellow Power California members are advocating for Assembly Bill 2801, the Tenancy: Security Deposit Bill, which would create stronger guardrails to ensure renters are not unfairly penalized through return of their security deposits. Read the full piece here.