As we transition into 2021, we are reminded by the horrific — yet predictable and preventable — events that transpired at the U.S. Capitol this week that our work to dismantle white supremacy and protect our democracy is more critical than ever.
At the same time, we can’t lose sight of the remarkable wins we can celebrate. Thanks to the dedication, decades-long vision, creativity and love of Black organizers — particularly women — in the South, electoral wins for two progressive leaders were reaffirmed by voters in Georgia. We urge you, our friends, family, community members and colleagues dedicated to change, to find the Stacey Abrams, LaTosha Brown, Nse Ufot and more of your community and support their vision for the future and stay engaged. This work will span decades, as should our support.
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In 2020, multigenerational, AAPI, African American, Latinx and Native American boys and men of color — including transgender, gender nonconforming and LGTQI+ folx — led. And this year, they will continue the fight. Check out a new PSA that lifts up the headlines that Here to Lead California participants made last year and sets the tone for this network in 2021. Learn more about the storytelling initiative from the California Funders for Boys and Men of Color at their website:
As an immediate response to the increased threats movements for liberation face resulting from white supremacist violence at the U.S. Capitol this week, Solidaire Network is reactivating the Janisha R. Gabriel Movement Protection Fund. Solidaire launched the fund late last year to support the urgent and immediate needs of movement leaders facing threats of violence and a heightened risk of danger due to the current political climate in the U.S. More information at
“Groundswell’s latest initiative, however, maybe the group’s most ambitious—and potentially meaningful—yet. With its new Blueprint plan, Groundswell has vowed to move $100 million to reproductive rights and electoral organizations run by women and trans people of color with the help of funders large and small, from the Ford Foundation to the Black-Led Movement Fund, and lots of organizations and individuals in between.” Read more at Inside Philanthropy.
Grantmakers For Girls of Color announced late last year that they awarded $2.8 million to more than 100 organizations in 28 states and Washington D.C. as part of its Love is Healing COVID-19 response fund. Launched in May 2020, the fund represents the organization’s first grantmaking milestone and aims to address the impact of COVID-19 on communities of color, particularly Black/African American, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian girls and gender expansive youth of color. Philanthropy Women.
In December, Grey’s Anatomy’s powerful, mid-season 2-hour finale crossover event provided “an opportunity to investigate how we can better support Black women and girls and thriving and succeeding and finding joy and allowing them to just live and be fun,” said the show’s star Kelly McCreary, who worked closely with the writer’s room and the Black Girl Freedom Fund to develop the episode that lifted Black girls’ stories.
Founded by The Black Girl Freedom Fund aims to support work that advances the well being of Black girls and their families, including work that centers and advances the power of Black girls through organizing, asset mapping, capacity-building, legal advocacy, and narrative work that seeks to shift structural violence enacted against Black girls. Follow Black Girl Freedom Fund on social media to hear the latest from their network: @BlkGrlFreedom, @blackgirlfreedomfund