Client News:
Grantmakers for Girls of Color (G4GC) and Seventh Generation Fund For Indigenous Peoples this week announced a new initiative that will begin mobilizing resources and expanding work that centers and supports Indigenous girls in their families and communities. The New Songs Rising Initiative will invest in organizations and Tribal entities serving Indigenous women and girls, fostering peer mentorship, skill-building and network building; and support participatory research to fill data gaps about how best to support the sovereignty and organizing power of Indigenous girls and their communities. Read the announcement at
Michael D. Tubbs, former Mayor of Stockton, California, and current Special Advisor to Governor Newsom for Economic Mobility, will join the Rosenberg Foundation as its first Senior Fellow. Over the two-year fellowship, Tubbs will continue the work he began in Stockton to achieve economic justice and opportunity for all Californians, developing and advancing approaches to eliminate poverty in California. Yahoo! Finance. KPVI.
“The key to reducing violence and trauma is not in the continued arrest, conviction, and incarceration of vulnerable people, but in healing, compassion, and mental health services.” Adrianna Griffith, Outreach Program Coordinator for the Women’s Center Youth & Family Services and member of the Justice for Survivors Coalition, advocated for the passage of AB 124 in a powerful piece for Capitol Weekly. The Justice for Survivors Act would allow courts to consider an individual’s age, history of trauma, human trafficking history, intimate partner or sexual violence victimization, potentially reducing their criminal penalties.